Rottamare e educare

Scrap and educate: actions to relaunch heating with wood and pellets

28 May 2021

Calano i consumi energetici, ma aumentano quelli da fonti rinnovabili...

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Developments in aid for wood heating in France

5 April 2021

Talking with Mr. AXEL RICHARD, Responsable label Flamme Verte, Syndicat des énergies renouvelables What are the developments in 2021 in terms of…

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Ma Prime Rénov, a new bonus for heating sector in France

3 April 2021

Ma Prime Renov in 2021, after CITE! by Nicolas Audigane & Cyril Esnault from Poeles.Net Ma Prime Rénov ’is the new national…

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Cleaning the chimney, how and when it should be done

2 December 2020

Fire is an ideal element to create a cosy atmosphere and to warm the environment, but it can also represent a danger…

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Super Ecobonus. Una grande chance

21 August 2020

Il super ecobonus può essere una grande opportunità per il settore del riscaldamento a legna e per proseguire con maggiore spinta la…

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React to Coronavirus

30 March 2020

Responding to the emergency, together. This is the spirit in which in mid-April - in the middle of the lockdown to fight…

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