Always updated on the world of biomass heating

Always updated on the world of biomass heating with the news and insights of Progetto Fuoco...

September let’s go, it’s time to heat … with wood!

Progetto Fuoco had not ended when the terrible health emergency, which affected thousands of lives and resulted in serious consequences in all sectors of the economy, including our wood energy industry, had to be dealt with worldwide.

E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle…

A month and a half ago we said goodbye to each other among the stands still teeming with business activity during Progetto Fuoco at the Verona Exhibition Center. We could have never imagined that the Covid-19 emergency would completely change our lives, generating a crisis that affects the world economy

Since 1999, a leap towards the future

The growth of Progetto Fuoco, which now showcases 800 of the biggest names in the industry, is the result of a systematic path of collaboration and dialogue with the sector.