Incentives on biomass heating: the situation in France

Incentives on biomass heating: the situation in France

Developments in aid for wood heating in France

Talking with Mr. AXEL RICHARD, Responsable label Flamme Verte, Syndicat des énergies renouvelables What are the developments in 2021 in terms of aid for wood heating? The year 2021 saw the finalization of the transformation of the Energy Transition Tax Credit (CITE) into a bonus scheme called MaPrimeRénov,

Ma Prime Rénov, a new bonus for heating sector in France

Ma Prime Renov in 2021, after CITE! by Nicolas Audigane & Cyril Esnault from Poeles.Net Ma Prime Rénov ’is the new national scheme which aims to finance energy renovation work in French private homes. It replaces the Energy Transition Tax Credit (CITE). Let’s take stock after a year and a half

The new “Progetto Fuoco WEB-GALLERY”

A web platform dedicated to biomass heating products In a changing world that is becoming more and more digital, Piemmeti has developed the new “Progetto Fuoco WEB-GALLERY”, an online exhibition platform designed to promote and give visibility to biomass heating products, supporting the evolution